Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Why Hello Megan.. I thought I lost you...

You almost did lose me. 

Between- work, family, late nights, stuffing envelopes, picking music, flowers, you name it Wedding Planning is a full-time job if you ask me! 

Braeden and I have been so thankful for such an incredible friends & family. 

We recently had a couples shower and played a very fun game! We each held a Barbi & Army man and faced back-to-back. My beautiful sister Marianne would ask us a question- for instance "Who plans on taking care of the bills? Whoever we thought between the two of us would raise either the Barbi or Army Man. It was a GREAT shower. We had a blast! 

Who knows what the Question was... or what ill be doing! ;)

I love my family
My financial Advisor/ Supporter- Dad

My wedding Coordinator/Helper- Mom

"He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end"

Ecclesiastes 3:11

Thank you Pinerest. 
Shining Bright 9.10.11

Saturday, July 2, 2011

::A New Love for Etsy::

I have fallen in love... let me know what your selling as I would LOVE to take a look :)

Shine Bright.